In 2005, after years of unprecedented success at Gucci, Tom Ford started his own eponymous brand with a full line of high-end clothing for men and women. Kicking off his huge success, he developed controversial ad campaigns that would attract attention the world over. With as many eyes on his brand as possible, he would go on to release some of the most famous and well-received items in the history of eyewear, specifically targeting Hollywood royalty, such as Brad Pitt, Jennifer Aniston, Will Smith, Tom Hanks, among many more, as his brand ambassadors.
Whether offering the latest in tough, yet stylishly chic eyeglasses for men, or forward-thinking masculine sunglasses, the Tom Ford eyewear aims to please and rarely misses. Using only the highest quality materials and luxury manufacturing processes, the brand’s line of women’s sunglasses is as coveted by A-list celebs and casual eyewear fans alike. With a flair for attention-grabbing, the items found in his eyewear collections always find a way to impress upon the wearer Tom’s idea of showmanship, and nowhere is this more evident than in the men’s sunglasses line.